Meet Blue!

Being a vampire is so cool!!


This is Blue! Don’t mess with her!!

I have always been a huge comic book fan! I was lucky enough to befriend some amazing artists over time and got the opportunity I’d always dreampt of, but never thought could be possible. I became a Vampire!!

Blue is from the comic “Tempest”  by co-writer Jeff Kaufman and artist/co-writer Tommy Castillo, not to mention Penciller Chris Cross. 

Chris is a good friend who thought I had the perfect look  for her, more specifically her face. (As you see her tata’s are quite larger than mine, thanks buddy!)  “comical, pun intended”

 BIG Thank to Chris Cross!! Use my likeness, anytime!!

Vlad Tempest is the last descendant of Vlad the impaler, and a New York City prosecutor. That is until, He crosses paths with a woman named Blue and is turned into a vampire.



More from Tempest, formerly known as Ant Unleashed


(Full Panels)

 (Just Blue)

Click here to see more of Chris Cross’s work.

Chris Cross Fanpage